Thursday, 17 September 2009

Airstream Meet, Forest of Dean, Sept 2009

After a quick job that involved staying at Bath (at a site where your caravan is valet parked!) it was time to head to the Forest of Dean for the Autumn 09 Airstream meet.

13 units attended in total, including some fabulous old classics.

It was lovely to catch up with friends old and new

The weather was very, very kind

But all too soon Sunday came and it was time for the farewells to begin... at least until next year!

All in all a fabulous weekend. Thank you Pete and Tracey!


  1. It was my pleasure.

    Great pics! Not sure about that young couple in the middle though - they look far too dodgy to be Airstreamers ; )

  2. Reiterate, great pics. John took plenty but none worth posting, needs more practice!!

